Thermoforming Report

Friday Fun: Happy New Year!

Yes, the holidays can be busy, but be sure to take time to REST: relax, reflect, and recharge!

Interested in OUR take on strategic planning for the new year? Read our Reflections: Look Back & Plan Forward blog from December Thermoforming Report.

Instead of making New Year’s Resolutions (that start with the best intentions, but most of the time, fall to the wayside mid-February!), this Forbes article advises us to make a “Don’t Do List“.

Taken directly from the article:
Creating an annual Don’t-Do List can help your teams eliminate low-value work so you can focus on achieving your goals for the next 12 months. It’s a mindful way to let go of unproductive tasks and make space for the new year.

To determine what should appear on your Don’t-Do List, answer the following questions objectively:
· Which of my/our current tasks don’t bring value to the business?
· Would anyone miss this task if I/we stopped doing it? (If the answer is “nobody,” get rid of it pronto.)
· Is another person/team already doing this task and could they take solo ownership of it?
· If I/we had to hand off two of my/our responsibilities, what should be given away and to whom? What’s stopping me/us from doing this today?
· Which of my/our daily tasks could become weekly? Which weekly tasks could be done monthly?
· What steps could be eliminated from this task?


With joy and hope — and purposeful planning — we look forward to what this new year brings!

#FridayMood #SienaGroup #HappyNewYear

As always, thanks to our brilliant photographer!!

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