Our Featured Talent

Director of Operations and Manufacturing

Oct 31, 2023

  • Strong 30-year Operations Leader, bringing multi-site experience and full P&L accountability. 
  • He started out in the automotive industry, which really provided him with a great base of experience. He cut his teeth in quality, shifted over into program management, and ultimately found his calling was in operations leadership – having now been in leadership roles for more than 20 years!
  • Early on in his career,  he was handed a flailing site and executed a highly successful turnaround – and a career path was born.  As a turnaround specialist in driving change, he has delivered in spades: delivering better than 40% increase in OEE in two different roles to cite just one example! His results and the teams he’s led are truly remarkable!
  • His obvious strengths are leadership and being a change agent with a servant leadership style and approach; he invests in safety, quality, and customer service first; leads by example, and aligns his leaders to the KPIs and desired outcomes, providing them with the tools to be successful. 
  • His Why? It is very unfortunate but the privately held company suddenly lost its founder and leader, and there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty with a likely sale in the near term. 
  • Titles that align are Manufacturing Director, Operations Director, Senior Plant Manager, or similar. He has a ton of experience in plastics — specifically extrusion, injection molding, and blow molding. Located in the Midwest, he is willing to relocate – either staying in the Michigan area or in the vicinity or potentially to the southwest (closer to extended family there).   
  • If you are looking for a strong Operations Leader with tremendous turnaround strengths and approach, please give me a call! I’d love to put you together!