Plant Manager
Oct 10, 2023
- Plant Manager with 15+ years of experience: up-from-the-ranks Machinist who shifted over into front-line manufacturing and ultimately into plant management.
- Highly hands-on leadership style and approach; he is able to quickly gain respect and develop rapport with the team. Most recently he was tasked with a site turnaround and absolutely nailed it: production increased by nearly 50% and on-time deliveries improved by better than 30%!
- He has impacted OEE (after implementing it, to begin with!), created and implemented a PM system, improved quality, and decreased labor costs as well. He’s amazing in terms of what he’s able to accomplish!
- Why Now? Executive leadership change happened about 3 months ago, and things have not gone well. A lot of chaos with rapid-fire change has ultimately impacted business. So, he is concerned about long-term viability and stability.
- He is seeking a stable organization where he can plug into any number of roles – from Production Manager to Maintenance Manager and Plant Manager, depending on the size and scope of the team. He is also willing to explore nearly anywhere in the country for the right opportunity. He’s in the Midwest, so it’s easier to relocate there, but anywhere would pretty much work for him.
- Bringing tremendous value, this leader will definitely make a major impact on your team if you are struggling to deliver on the fundamentals!
- If you’re interested in this tremendous Leader, please reach out, and let’s have a conversation!