What is a “Real” Vacation?!?

Ready to take the summer plunge on vacations?! In this blog, we take a deep dive into all things vacation: my experience with vacations, how vacations (or holidays, as they like to call it) in Europe evolved, plus we expand on the idea and practice of sabbaticals.

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The Right Tools for the Right Job

I recently experienced a DIY annoyance and realized how readily the dots connect to what I see in the market these days for hiring managers, organizations, and candidates. Here’s my story…

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Manufacturing Trends Perspective

It is hard to stay current with the trends… especially in manufacturing! There are a lot of plates to keep spinning and investing the time to stay tuned in to things outside of your world is tough.  As leaders, however, we absolutely must do this! 

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Manufacturing: Remote vs Hybrid vs Onsite Roles

August 2022. This month’s Thermoforming Report topic is all about the world of remote work. In spite of what I believe is the obvious answer, the question of remote vs hybrid vs onsite still comes up quite often. As I’ve mentioned more than once in the past, manufacturing, by its very nature, is not done…

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April 2020: Remote Work

  I realize that there is a lot of noise out there so I will be succinct.  Though this month’s Thermoforming Report is about the challenges of working remotely, because we are in manufacturing, you pretty much gotta be there – with the noted exceptions that exist with the corporate teams and those that do…

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“Plastic Packaging Paradox”

This article was a quick read and highlights a few key nuggets that generate pause on all the noise we hear about plastics being bad. “And once you start looking into plastic packaging, this kind of counterintuitive conclusion comes up all the time. Some packaging is a foolish waste. But are shrink-wrapped cucumbers really so…

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