Our Featured Talent

Design Engineer

Nov 1, 2022

  • This highly valued Design Engineer brings tremendous strengths & value given his skill and experience level in both heavy and thin gauge thermoforming. 
  • With nearly 20 years of experience in heavy and thin gauge thermoforming, acting as a designer and engineer, he has significant experience across thermoforming, from ideation through to commercialization. 
  • He also has strong skills in 3D printing, leveraging that technology to quickly develop prototypes for both client presentations and design for manufacturability. 
  • He is a methodical, no-nonsense type of person, knows how to interface across levels, both internal and external, and gets things done ~ a great combination for this particular role.   
  • Why Now? A recent acquisition by a much larger organization ended up impacting him, and he is looking for a new opportunity to leverage his skills that will provide freedom to create and innovate. 
  • A relocation away from the Midwest would be a big deal, but it is an option for the right opportunity. 
  • Appropriate roles are pretty straightforward with a level-up: a Senior Design Engineer who interfaces at a high level internally across multiple teams and functions… AND working directly with external clients.